Shakespeare's MacBeth in Riverbank State Park
- 14 years, 6 months ago By Editor
The Pulse Ensemble Theater will be performing Shakespeare's Macbeth from August 12th through the 28th on Wednesday through Sundays at 7:30pm in the Riverbank State Park outdoor amphitheater. Travel directions: #1 subway to 145th Street & Broadway, walk one block east to Riverside Drive and straight into the Park. Walk in direction of the river; Arts Building is on your left. Or ride M11 Bus (until 7 PM) or BX 19 directly into Riverbank State Park. General seating; running time 1:45 (no intermission). Admission is free and you can find more information about the company on their website or by phone at 212-695-1596. A description of the production from the company: Wednesday shows have been added for the culminating event of Pulse Ensemble Theatre's twentieth season, its production of "Macbeth," directed by Alexa Kelly, at Riverbank State Park August 12-28. The innovative adaptation sets the Scottish Tragedy in a conflict zone of the 21st century, in an occupied Islamic country not unlike Afghanistan, where Macbeth is a power hungry U.S. Army officer, Duncan is a warlord and the Witches are local war widows. The tension mounts until Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are brought down by their own greed, guilt and fear. The schedule is now Wednesdays through Sundays at 7:30 PM for all performances.

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