Alvin Ailey American Dance Center & School
"The versatility of an "Ailey Dancer" arises from the diverse
curriculum taught at The School, which includes Horton and
Graham-based modern, ballet, jazz and several other techniques along
with dance academics and repertory workshops. Founded in 1969, and
now under the direction of Denise Jefferson, The School offers
professional training programs, open classes for adults and programs
for children. The School currently offers a B.F.A. Program with New
York City's Fordham University*, and has partnerships with The
Actors Studio/New School and the Professional Performing Arts
Note: If you drop in for class, you should wear a black unitard. Almost everyone at the center adheres to this dress code.
Address & Phone:
Alvin Ailey American Dance Center
470 Park Avenue South, 9th Fl North. (@ Lincoln Center)
New York, NY 10016