Singles Adventures in New York City
Giving credit where credit is due is important. An informal poll of
friends, mostly male, mostly married or otherwise committed, netted some of
the more "creative" V-night ideas. This V-night fantasy is brought to you
by the combined sick minds of my good friends J and R, and my work buddies
C, M and K. Wishful thinking, perhaps?
Revel in your manhood. Royally. According to J, if you had a girlfriend,
you'd be watching some chick flick. So, in celebration of being single,
rent every Schwartzenegger, Van Damme, and Tarantino movie that Blockbuster
has in stock, and lie around in your boxers scratching yourself. Doesn't
seem special enough? Wear the silk ones that you keep buried in your
drawer and imagine that the red lip prints on them are real. You can
dream, can't you?