Street Locator for New York City

FIND THE CROSS STREETS with the building number and avenue:

This street locator is based on an algorithm which will ESTIMATE cross streets for any address on a numbered street in Manhattan. It does not work for downtown streets which are not numbered. The algorithm can be found in any print telephone directory. For maps try Google Maps.

FIND THE AVENUES with the building number and street:

    West Side: Above 59th Street
    Building # Avenues
    1-99 Central Park West and Columbus
    100-199 Columbus and Amsterdam
    200-299 Amsterdam and West End
    300-399 West End and Riverside Drive
    West Side: Below 59th Street
    Building # Avenues
    1-99 5th and 6th Avenues
    100-199 6th and 7th Avenues
    200-299 7th and 8th Avenues
    300-399 8th and 9th Avenues
    400-499 9th and 10th Avenues
    500-599 10th and 11th Avenues
    East Side Addresses
    Building # Avenues Notes
    1-49 5th and Madison
    50-99 Madison and Park Ave Park is 4th Ave below 14th
    100-149 Park and Lexington
    150-199 Lexington and 3rd
    200-299 3rd and 2nd Avenues
    300-399 2nd and 1st Avenues
    400-499 1st and York York is Ave A below 14th
    500-599 Ave A and Ave B